Glacier FarmMedia honoured for event marketing

Nov 25, 2020 | News

Canada’s Outdoor Farm Show earned strong recognition at the recent Best of CAMA event, held online on November 19, for marketing activities by two of our valued exhibitors and the marketing team of our corporate parent, Glacier FarmMedia. The annual awards program, run by the Canadian Agri-Marketing Association, brought together finalists in 49 categories.

The highlight of the day for our team was Glacier FarmMedia Executive Vice-President Lynda Tityk was honoured as Agri-Marketer of the Year. Read more here. 

We congratulate all the marketers who did outstanding work serving Canadian farmers in 2019-20.

If we can have the envelope, please, we can report that Canada’s Outdoor Farm Show had a great day at Best of CAMA 2020.

Corteva was a finalist in the Events category for their Enlist E3 launch event which took place at Canada’s Outdoor Farm Show in 2019.

Canadian Cattlemen’s Association earned a Certificate of Merit in the PR Tactic/General Public category with Guardians of the Grasslands, a documentary featured at Canada’s Digital Farm Show in 2020.

These exhibitor results are powerful evidence that when great marketing builds on an event enjoyed and trusted by farmers, good things happen for everyone.

We are also proud that our team earned finalist places for these event marketing activities:

Single Execution (Print or Digital): Ag in Motion Discovery Plus

Social Specialty: Canada’s Outdoor Farm Show

Direct E-mail Campaign: Farm Forum Event (Winner)

We at Canada’s Outdoor Farm Show will build on the strong results seen at Best of CAMA 2020 and continue to connect farmers and agribusiness through a great event experience.

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