OMAFRA Strip Tillage Demo

The Ontario Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Affairs (OMAFRA) has been researching conservation tillage practices, and specifically strip tillage, for almost 20 years. As a part of the Ontario Soil Strategy, strip tillage practices have been found to offer many...

Yield Tour Results

The 3rd annual Great Ontario Yield Tour took place August 13th to 22nd, 2018. As in the previous two years, this unique yield tour is sure to provide clues to Ontario producers as to whether 2018 will be a high or low yielding year. With the Great Ontario Yield Tour...

Ontario, Canada and North American Launch Alerts

In addition to programming like field demonstrations, FCC Livestock Central and the new Farmers Edge Knowledge Tent, the 2018 edition of Canada’s Outdoor Farm Show will feature a number of new products from the agricultural companies who take part in the show. Here...

Growing Opportunities in Agriculture

Want a great career? Thank ag In 1921, agriculture was the single most common occupation, employing  one million Canadians and accounting for one-third of all jobs. While it now accounts for less, it is quickly gaining a well-earned reputation as a highly desired...

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