New Seed and Crop Protection Tech

Live crop demonstrations are a highlight of Canada’s Outdoor Farm Show (COFS), allowing attendees to see real-life crops and crop protection products and speak to reps. The exhibits are concentrated along 1st Lane and North Mall, as well as on 6th Lane. Canada’s...

Keeping Canadian Agriculture’s Future Bright

Education and Career Centre promotes learning, opportunities to youth  Agriculture is a dynamic and growing industry — and it’s hungry for talented people. With one in every eight jobs in Canada related to agriculture and the agri-food industry, it’s a great place for...

Gain Energy Independence with Faromor Ltd. and Faromor CNG

Farromor Ltd., a long established manufacturer of natural ventilation equipment in Canada, has recently in association with Faromor CNG introduced electricity independence for today’s farm operations. This development is thanks in part to the introduction of a number...

Farm Business Happens at Canada’s Outdoor Farm Show

The Western General™ Ag Biz Pavilion attracts thousands of attendees each year that are seeking information, education or just perusing exhibits from almost 70 exhibitors that include farm equipment companies, agriculture news outlets, financial services and...

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