Keeping Canadian Agriculture’s Future Bright

Aug 16, 2017 | News

Education and Career Centre promotes learning, opportunities to youth 

Agriculture is a dynamic and growing industry — and it’s hungry for talented people. With one in every eight jobs in Canada related to agriculture and the agri-food industry, it’s a great place for young people to find a career.

But many young people need guidance and an idea about a potential career path — no matter what age they are. The Education and Career Centre at Canada’s Outdoor Farm Show features 4-H Ontario, the Ontario Agricultural College (OAC), and to offer a number of excellent resources to learn about potential new careers and opportunities.

“OAC, and 4-H Ontario have come together to provide a new one-stop-shop focused on careers and educat ion,” says Stephanie Craig, Communications Manager, Ontario Agricultural College, University of Guelph. “There are many linkages between the three organizations and the people we serve. OAC and 4-H Ontario share many of the same alumni and our alumni often pursue careers in agriculture and food.”

“Moving into the Education and Career Centre will allow 4-H Ontario to be able to increase our visibility, while also enhancing our ability to educate youth at Canada’s Outdoor Farm Show,” says Sara Harper, Coordinator, Events, 4-H Ontario. “4-H Ontario looks forward to promoting the 4-H program to youth and sharing educational material with them to learn about harvesting equipment during the show — materials generously sponsored by Canada’s Outdoor Farm Show.”

The 4-H Ontario booth will allow attendees to ask questions, connect with current and potential volunteers, and learn about opportunities like scholarships, competitions, and the Sen$e® programs.

According to Craig, OAC’s focus will be on showcasing the various academic programs offered at both its Guelph and Ridgetown campuses. Staff will be available to talk to students interested in pursuing studies at the University of Guelph.

“We also always enjoy the opportunity to reconnect with our many alumni who attend Canada’s Outdoor Farm Show each year,” adds Craig. will also be on-site at the Education and Career Centre at Canada’s Outdoor Farm Show. The Education and  Career Centre is located on Masonville Lane near the pond.

“OAC, and 4-H Ontario have come together to provide a new one-stop-shop focused on careers and education.”

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