New High-Value Growing Opportunities for Farmers

Aug 16, 2017 | News

Forward-thinking farmers are always on the lookout for the next profitable growing opportunity that could be added to their operation. Recent changes to Canadian regulations have opened up a new potential crop to interested farmers — cannabis — that will be featured at the ACMPR Production Exhibit at Canada’s Outdoor Farm Show.

As of August 24, 2016, the Access to Cannabis for Medical Purposes Regulations (ACMPR) changed the way medical cannabis will be accessed by individuals and produced by licensed producers. This presents great opportunity for Canadian growers.

“Agribusiness is no stranger to the types of facilities required for large scale production, much like swine, dairy, and poultry buildings and operations, as well as crops grown indoors and ‘under glass,’ like greenhouse systems or hybrids,” says Dave Key, a spokesperson for cannabis industry leader Mallot Creek Group Inc.

Components needed to install a cultivation operation include engineering, HVAC, lighting, water, and energy considerations. Indoor and outdoor cultivation is possible, but there are considerable levels of control and climate issues. Security is the foremost consideration in licensing, according to Key.

We’re very excited to feature the ACMPR Production Exhibit this year.”


There are currently 29 licenses issued in Ontario and 12 licenses issued in British Columbia. “We’re very excited to feature the ACMPR Production Exhibit this year,” says Murray Logan, Canada’s Outdoor Farm Show. “It is an excellent new business prospect that we think that farmers will want to investigate further.”

“The exhibit at Canada’s Outdoor Farm Show is a great introduction to the world of cannabis cultivation and processing  facilities, and to learn about present and future opportunities as well as where the market is and where it is going,” says Key. Exhibiting companies at time of press include Tri-Mach Group, GGS Greenhouses, GS Lighting Group, HTS Engineering, GHC Safety and Security Solutions, Metl Span, Mallot Creek Group Inc., Modern Niagara Toronto, OMG Woodstock and Water to Grow. Attendees can speak with these knowledgeable individuals regarding the requirements for involvement in the industry, including regulations, constructing, and servicing facilities at the ACMPR Production Exhibit located north of the pond at Canada’s Outdoor Farm Show.

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