Soil health and conservation award goes to Andrew Graham

Sep 29, 2023 | News

Woodstock, Ont., Sept. 21, 2023The L.B. Thomson Award, administered by the Soil Conservation Council of Canada (SCCC), was presented to Andrew Graham at Canada’s Outdoor Farm Show on Wednesday, September 13, 2023.  

 Andrew Graham, outgoing Executive Director of Ontario Soil and Crop Improvement Association (OSCIA), has devoted many years working alongside government and industry partners on soil health including the development and delivery of stewardship education projects, innovative incentive programming, and applied research initiatives. During Graham’s 43-year career, he led numerous education and stewardship programs and held positions with the Upper Thames River Conservation Authority in London and the Oxford County office of the Ontario Ministry of Agriculture, Food and Rural Affairs in Woodstock. 

The L.B. Thomson Award recognizes individuals or organizations that have made a significant regional contribution to soil health and conservation and was established in 1987 in honour of Leonard Baden Thomson. Thomson was one of a group of agrologists who played a key role in developing soil conservation practices that minimized the effects of severe wind erosion that plagued the Prairies in the 1930s. 

The award ceremony was held at Canada’s Outdoor Farm Show at Glacier FarmMedia’s Discovery Farm Woodstock at 10:00 a.m. at the Ontario Soil and Crop Improvement Association (OSCIA) booth. 

Ontario Senator Rob Black congratulates Andrew Graham on receiving the L.B. Thomson Award at Canada’s Outdoor Farm Show.

Soil health is a key consideration at Glacier FarmMedia’s Discovery Farm locations in Ontario and Saskatchewan, where we work with industry to uncover solutions that matter to Canadian farmers and create a place where the industry gathers to collaborate on research, demonstration and learning initiatives that leverage the strength of Ontario agriculture. 

For the full press release from the Soil Conservation Council of Canada (SCCC) click here.


For more information contact: [email protected] 

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