Tillage Demonstration with a Twist

Aug 6, 2019 | News

Canada’s Outdoor Farm Show prides itself on featuring a number of different field demonstrations each year. This year, the show adds the Tillage of Cover Crops Demo to the line-up.

Why cover crops?

“There is a lot of interest in cover crops because farmers have seen the many benefits,” says Patrick Lynch, a Certified Crop Advisor, and Canada’s Outdoor Farm Show Field Demonstration Advisor.   “Cover crops add organic matter. They reduce erosion, and compaction by growing through the compacted zones. They out-compete weeds and smother them before they can produce seeds, reducing the weed seed bank. Some cover crops allow perennial weeds to be killed with herbicides that cannot be used in other crops.”

During this demonstration, farmers will see how different machines handle cover crops, comparing the amount of residue left on top and the condition of the soil after the tillage. Seeing firsthand how different machines will handle this beneficial crop is imperative when it comes to making decisions about the equipment that will work on their farm.

“Farmers want to see equipment in action,” continues Lynch. “We know farmers come to Canada’s Outdoor Farm Show to help with their buying decisions. They may have been looking at one or two pieces of equipment before the show, but these large demonstrations allow them to see multiple pieces of equipment at the same time under the same conditions, doing what they are supposed to do.”

The Tillage of Cover Crops Demonstration will take place daily at 12:30 p.m. in the Southwest Demo Field.


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